The impossible universe
The biggest influence in these ideas and approaches has been the absence of required tools, methods and methodologies to assist in gaps the blatantly bloated corporate estates. Multi-million-pound projects have been started, developed and then shut down simply due to a lack of understanding of the current universe the project exists in.
A few brave people have attempted to try to understand how this universe is connected, how it flows and how each main component affects the other parts. These people tend to either be ignored as madmen or if encouraged to follow their path are pushed over a precipice of despair.
Mocked by the acceptance of faith that this understanding is a fool’s errand, any person who wishes to pursue these ideas is rapidly shutdown with the belief that managing the cartography required is a waste of time or would be too expensive. And yet almost in a sad and tormented punishment these poor souls are handed the budget of a single salary a rudimentary spreadsheet tool and are pointed at the setting sun with a whisper in the ear... ‘follow that and show us what you have in a year’.
Datacartography principles focus on the delivery of automated tools to assist in mapping out the system connectivity of a Business estate. Mapping the systems, integration, standards and governance across the organisation. Delivery a familiar and cartographic solution to the wider problems of knowledge of data flow and connectivity.